
Mechanical Monsters for Pathfinder 2E, 1E, & DND 5E

Created by Legendary Games

A killer collection of monstrous machines, cyborgs, constructs, & robots for DnD 5th Edition, Pathfinder RPG, and Pathfinder 2E, plus awesome options for new classes, feats, archetypes, ancestries, races, gear, and sci-fi/fantasy adventures!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Alien Bestiary 5E early bird sample copies are in! And A Tale of Two Seas KS moved to April 23!
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 05:25:01 PM

Our printer has sent over 6 copies of the awesome Alien Bestiary 5E and they look fabulous! We have sent off these six sample copies to randomly chosen backers from the first Mediterranean Monsters KS, since they've been waiting the longest for this beautiful book, but our big shipment of the rest of the books is currently scheduled to arrive in port on June 3rd, and after probably a week or two in customs clearance they'll be trucked to us here at LG HQ and we can start sending them out to all of you! 

Outside of some special cases, backers whose orders included the Alien Bestiary 5E will have their print orders ship once these books arrive, so we look forward to getting them to you in June! 

As we finally get to close the book on this project, we have a new one ready to launch soon... though a little later than planned. We are pushing back the start of our A Tale of Two Seas Kickstarter for D&D 5E, Pathfinder 1E, and Pathfinder 2E by a week to April 23! It's tax time in the USA and we've just been buried in paperwork which has slowed down some things, on top of our layout artist going on a family trip. We've just sent over the final Word doc for Mediterranean Monsters for Pathfinder Second Edition and will be assembling the Pathfinder RPG version as soon as our tax filing is complete! We hope you'll sign on to check out this new project and we hope you love it! 

Print fulfillment has begun and Arcforge is here!
8 months ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 12:59:37 PM

Hi all,

We have locked addresses and started processing print orders for the Mechanical Monsters Quick-Starter and we are looking forward to getting these books in your hands ASAP! We thank you for your amazing support and hope these beautiful books enjoy a proud place at your gaming table as they start to arrive! 

For our Pathfinder RPG fans, we also wanted to announce that the Arcforge Universe Kickstarterhas launched today! This incredible collection marries high-tech and high fantasy in a pair of expansive books for players and GMs comprising over 600 pages of vividly detailed world lore and player options galore in the Arcforge Players Compendium and Arcforge Universe Cyclopedia! 

You'll find new character classes and over 200 archetypes, feats, spells, psionic powers, along with expansive mech rules, technomancy, and so much more, including beloved 3rd-party system support for psionics, akashic veils, and new spheres for both Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might! The Arcforge Universe opens up a system-spanning smorgasbord of nations and locations for planetary, interstellar, or cosmic adventure, including nearly 100 new monsters and creature templates from roving wasteland hordes to mind-melting chaos lords! We hope you check it out today! 

Orders locked, cards charged, and PDFs up on Backerkit! Plus VTT links sent!
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 01:20:32 AM

Hi all,

We have locked orders and set all of the downloads live, so all backers whose card transactions have processed can get all of your PDFs right from Backerkit! 

  • VTT Keys: We've generated and sent out all keys for Fantasy Grounds and Shard (which we can create ourselves). We have requested product keys from Roll20, and once they send them over we'll send them on to you. The Mechanical Monsters PF2 Foundry module is still in production, so those won't go out until it's finished. I noticed that I apparently forgot to include the Mechanical Monsters 5E Foundry module in the Backerkit options, so let me know if you'd like to pick up that module or simply grab it right here at the LG store!
  • Mechanical Monsters 5E Books Arriving Today! We talked to our shipping folks and the pallets of books are arriving today! We'll start unpacking things and getting them ready to go! 
  • Mechanical Monsters PF1 and PF2 and Mechanical Heroes ready to print! These items (and most of our other add-on items) will be shipping directly from the printer and they are ready to go! 
  • Locking Addresses: Given our print books are ready to go, we want to get your books headed your way ASAP, so we are locking addresses tonight! Double check your address and get ready for the shippification to begin!
  • Alien Bestiary 5E: The printer will be sending over the "plotters" (basically a loose-page pre-print of the book) next week for final checking and before the print run begins in a week or so. Print orders with that book will hold until those books arrive, which will probably be in April or May.
  • If You Don't See Your Downloads: First off, make sure you're logged into Backerkit, and then check to see if your survey is complete. Once your survey is completed, we'll be checking every few days to collect up any late surveys and process them, including charging cards. If your survey is already done, check check to make sure your card was processed (every project, some cards just don't go through), so if this happens you might need to switch cards or check with your card provider. If none of those steps work, reach out and get in touch with us and we'll see what we can do to get things fixed! 

Once again, thanks so much for your support and we hope you enjoy the fast fulfillment of our QUICK-starters! And last but not least, if you haven't already, sign up for notifications on our upcoming Arcforge Universe Campaign Setting project launching next week for Pathfinder RPG

Lock Orders in 48 Hours! Please double check your address! Plus ARCFORGE is coming for PF1!
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 12:03:32 PM

Hi all,

We've had a great quick response with over 80% of backers already completing their surveys. We've sent out the "48-hour lock notice" to everyone, which means that if you have already completed your survey, it will be locked and finalized 48 hours from now. At that point, we'll charge cards and activate downloads from Backerkit.

We encourage you to double check your address to make sure it is correct, as once orders are locked we are going to start making print orders to send rewards your way! We can't send rewards if we don't know where you are, so please fill out your address completely. If you run into any issues with your address, let us know. If you are in the process of moving or have some other fluid address situation, let us know and we can either hold your order until you get settled or find an alternate address to send your books to a friend or relative. 

If you haven't completed your survey yet, please do so ASAP! 

Last but not least, as this QUICK-starter fulfillment continues, we are loading up our next Kickstarter Project: The Arcforge Universe Campaign Setting! This project brings you a world of cosmic adventure, chaos magic, psychic powers, hypertechnology, and more, and is a great companion to Mechanical Monsters! The Arcforge Players' Compendium contains two new classes and over 200 archetypes, feats, spells, psionic powers, along with expansive mech rules, technomancy, and so much more, while the Arcforge Universe Cyclopedia includes a system-spanning smorgasbord of nations and locations for planetary, interstellar, or cosmic adventure, including nearly 100 new monsters and creature templates from roving wasteland hordes to mind-melting chaos lords! The Arcforge Universe descriptive text can be used with any system, but all rules material is for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game; there is no PF2 or 5E version available at this time. If you're a PF1 fan or just want exciting and inventive new worlds to explore in other game systems, we hope you check it out when it launches next week!

Backerkit Survey Sent!
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 10:05:44 AM

Hi all,

The survey is out to everyone now, so check your email and reply ASAP. I've uploaded all of the downloadable items, which will become available to you once we lock surveys (and charge cards for anyone paying shipping and/or adding extra items), which we are on target to do next week! 

Thanks so much for your support of this project and let's get ready to fulfill your rewards!